古より東洋のエーゲ海と称され、日本で初めて国立公園に指定された瀬戸内海。 人と自然の共生を育む里海里山の取り組みや、美しく多様性に富んだ自然、
2019年にはニューヨーク・タイムズの「52Places to Go in 2019」第7位に選ばれました。 また、2025年には大阪・関西万博が瀬戸内エリアで開催されるなど、さらに世界に注目され 期待されています。
本アワードは2025年大阪・関西万博の開催により世界がさらに注目するSETOUCHIを舞台 とし、世界の環境保全の世界的な権威であるモナコ公国アルベール二世公が2006年に設立し た、海洋環境と自然環境保護、持続可能な開発を国内と国際レベルで進めることを目的とし たアルベール二世大公財団との共同開催を予定。
日本、そして今後一層の発展が期待されるアジア諸国を代表する経済団体や大学などの推薦 などを中心とし、今後世界のサステナビリティ推進に寄与する可能性のあるスタートアアッ プや、起業家、学生、研究者、団体、イノベーションなどを発掘、表彰し、その後の海外と のネットワーキングや海外展開支援、事業化のサポートなどを行なうなど世界のサステナビ リティの推進に寄与するものとする。
また、人類の無限の可能性と豊さをもたらす、伝統の叡智の継承や未知なる可能性の創出、 環境保全の重要性を伝えるメッセンジャーとして多くの役割を持つ♙RT・文化芸術分野にお いても日本・アジア諸国で活動する新進気鋭のアーティストの発掘、文化芸術の社会的地位 の向上を目的とし、文化・芸術部門の表彰も開催。
持続可能な世界の未来への貢献、サステナビリティを推進する国際的な次世代リーダー育 成、文化芸術振興と社会的地位の向上の後押しとなることを目的とし、3つのテーマで優れ た活動や作品、研究等を表彰します。
The Seto Inland Sea has been known as the Aegean Sea of the East since ancient times, and was Japan's first designated national park. SETOUCHI, which has many historical and cultural values, stories, and individuality, such as Satoumi Satoyama initiatives that foster coexistence between people and nature, beautiful and diverse nature, World Heritage Sites, and Japanese Heritage Sites, was featured in the New York Times in 2019. ’s “52 Places to Go in 2019” 7th place. Furthermore, in 2025, the Osaka/Kansai Expo will be held in the Setouchi area, which is expected to attract even more attention from around the world.
This award is set in SETOUCHI, which is attracting even more attention from around the world due to the 2025 Osaka/Kansai Expo, and is a marine environment and environmental conservation organization established in 2006 by Prince Albert II of Monaco, a world authority on environmental conservation. The event is scheduled to be held jointly with the Prince Albert II Foundation, which aims to promote conservation of the natural environment and sustainable development at both the domestic and international levels.
Focusing on recommendations from economic organizations and universities representing Japan and other Asian countries that are expected to further develop in the future, we will recommend startups, entrepreneurs, students, and other businesses that have the potential to contribute to the promotion of global sustainability in the future. We will contribute to the promotion of global sustainability by discovering and awarding researchers, organizations, and innovations, and providing support for their subsequent networking, overseas expansion, and commercialization.
In addition, in the field of ART and culture, which has many roles as a messenger to convey the importance of preserving the environment, passing on traditional wisdom and creating unknown possibilities, and bringing about infinite possibilities and abundance for humankind. Awards are also held in the culture and arts category, with the aim of discovering up-and-coming artists active in Japan and other Asian countries and improving the social status of culture and the arts.
We aim to contribute to a sustainable future for the world, develop the next generation of international leaders who promote sustainability, and support the promotion of culture and the arts and the improvement of social status.We present outstanding activities and works under three themes. , awards for research, etc.

SETOUCHI Sustainable global ♙ward 2025実⾏委員会(仮称)
国連世界観光機構/外務省/経済産業省/環境省/⾹川県/⾼松Th/⽇本商⼯会議所 など
5.名称(仮)︓SETOUCHI Global Award2025
〜世界の⼈と⾃然の共⽣・持続可能性・ART/⼈の創造性と可能性・Innovation Award〜
6.⽇時(予定) / 2025年7⽉1⽇-7⽉8⽇の2⽇間※調整中
①Circular Economy部⾨(循環型経済・環境保全イノベーション・開発)
※世界の⾃然環境・海洋環境保全への貢献、世界と⼈の暮らしや、社会の持続可能性に⼤きな影響 や豊かさをもたらす可能性とインパクトのある取り組みやイノベーション、研究・開発
(⼤学・研究者・アントレプレナー・企業・団体 など)
※現代ART・伝統⽂化など ⽂化芸術の可能性や
※ 状況により別途⾯談等を実施する場合があります。
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
SETOUCHI Sustainable global Award 2025 Executive Committee
2.Sponsorship: (planned)
United Nations World Tourism Organization/Ministry of Foreign AIairs/Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry/Ministry of the Environment/Kagawa Prefecture/Takamatsu City/Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc.
3.Sponsor: (To be determined)
4.Cooperation: (To be determined)
5.Name (tentative): SETOUCHI Global Award 2025
~Coexistence of people and nature around the world/Sustainability/ART/Human creativity and potential/Innovation Award~
6.Date and time :2 days from July 1st to July 8th, 2025 *Under adjustment
7.Department (planned)
①Circular Economy Division
(Circular Economy/Environmental Conservation Innovation/Development)
*Initiatives, innovations, and research and development that have the potential and
impact to contribute to the conservation of the world's natural and marine environments, and to have a significant impact and enrichment on the world, people's lives, and the sustainability of society.
(Universities, researchers, entrepreneurs, companies, organizations, etc.)
②Culture/Art Promotion/Artist Division
(Contemporary ART/Traditional Culture Division)
*The possibilities of cultural arts such as contemporary ART and traditional culture. Expressions that send a message about the importance of sustainability and create a social impact Artists and works that take on new challenges and bring richness and impact to the world, such as expressing the potential of humanity.
③ Social/Educational Merit Department (Awareness Raising/Education)
Outstanding contribution activities and initiatives to marine environment protection and natural environment protection, etc.
Japan and 10 ASEAN countries Entries by recommendation from each field (managers, students, researchers, artists, individuals, organizations, etc.)
from an organization or group as determined by the Executive Committee
10.Application Schedule
August 2024Call for applications opens - January 2025First round of judging closes and screening February 2025Finalists selected
July 2025Final judging and awards ceremony
*The schedule may change without notice. Please note.
*Separate interviews may be held depending on the situation.

Honorary president

Candidates for Jury <Contemporary ART>

< Traditional ART/Culture >

<Economics &ESG>

<SDGs・ Global Environmental Protection >

<Global Media>

SETOUCHI Sustainable Award2025実⾏委員会 事務局
Mail: info@setouchi-resort.jp
東京事務所:〒107-0052 東京都港区⾚坂8-13-19-406
⾹川事務所:〒760-0011 ⾹川県⾼松市浜ノ町60-55-1025
SETOUCHI Sustainable Award 2025 Executive Committee Secretariat General Incorporated Association RE-SORT
Mail: info@setouchi-resort.jp
Tokyo OSice: 8-13-19-406 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
Kagawa OSice: 60-55-1025 Hamano-cho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, 760-0011